I’m sure you all remember last year’s April Fool’s Day post and are expecting something similar today. Well, the rehash-a-press release thing is really only funny once, so I thought I’d take a break from satire and offer my sincere thanks to all of you for the support you have given to Autoblopnik.

This site will celebrate its second birthday next month, and thanks to your shares and links and retweets, we’ve managed to build a loyal and and supportive audience. I’ve gotten lots of positive feedback and surprisingly little crap when I post something that isn’t that funny or when the site goes weeks without an update. In the harsh reality of the Internet, such respect and appreciation is a rare and special thing, and it is very much appreciated.

I am lucky to have such a kind audience, and if I can bring just a bit of joy and laughter into your day, then I have accomplished my goal, and that leaves me feeling deeply fulfilled.

APRIL FOOL! Truth is, I do this purely for my own amusement and the hope that I can someday sell out for a fuckload of cash.

Love and kisses,
