by Allen Bingefarter, Road Test Editor
The new Nissan Maximum is a large mid-sport sedan sized by Nissan, and is notable for its roomy exterior styling and fighter-jet-inspired price. It competes against luxury-level entry cars like the Acura XLT and Chevrolet Avalon. Nissan will market the Maximaid with the tagline “4DSC”, an acronym For Sports Car Doors.
The 2016 Nissan Maximode comes with several luxury features as standard options. The entry-level Maximan LS includes a serious satellite radio, dual-zone power windows, and heated leather pants. Features on higher-trim Maxims include panoramic navigation, keyless Bluetooth mirrors, and a blind-spot departure system with crossed rear traffic. Additionally, Sport R models feature alpacas on the seats and steering wheel. Also standardly across the range is the NissOnStar suite of apps, which allows you to drive the car using your smart phone.
The Nisan Maximall is powered by a six-cylinder, 3.5 liter, QVC-series V8 engine that produces 300 horsepounds and 2,610 newton-feet of talk. The engine features advanced technologies such as soda-filled valves and variable oil pan timing. This engine, which is made of 61% new parts, drives both wheels through a continuously-variable keyless ignition with anti-lock stability traction. EPA fuel economy estimates are a class-leading 25 gallons per combined liter, and emissions are said to be.
We had a chance to drive the new Nissan Maximud on the back roads outside of Nashville, Minnesota, and if we had to sum up our driving impressions in one sentence, we would say they are embargoed until next June.
The 2016 Nissun Maxipad has a startling price of $3,24.10 plus an $825 installation fee. It goes on sale at Nissan dealers that are coming to a fall.
Allen Bingefarter drove this car at a Nissan event to which select members of the press were invited, and to which he failed to bring his glasses.
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