BMW has announced that their first self-driving vehicle will go on sale early in 2016.
“Obviously several automakers have been working on autonomous driving, but a self-driving BMW must be somezing unique,” said BMWs’ Chief of Autonomous Engineering, Professor Herr Doktor Helmut Fahrt, Ing.
Dr. Fahrt, Ing., told Autoblopnik that several existing technologies were modified for use in the self-driving BMW.
“Our Active Cruise Control mit Stop and Honk had to be modified to drive less than 1 meter from the back bumper of the car ahead,” Dr. Farhrt, Ing., explained, “und ze Lane Departure and Varning System can detect not only the presence, but the type of lines in the road, so it can drive very slow when there is a double yellow line and then speed up to Warp Seven in ze passing zones.”
The autonomous BMW will feature a blind-spot detection system that only changes lanes when there is a car in the blind spot, along with an automatic parking system that detects parking spots that other people are waiting for. If the system is unable to steal a spot from someone else, it has a fail-safe mode that causes the car to park itself diagonally in a van-accessible handicapped spot.
“Zis is only the first generation of our autonomous car,” Dr. Fahrt, Ing., said. “We are working on future developments that will better emulate the experience of driving a BMW. For example, occupants of autonomous cars do not need to pay attention to the other cars around them, so we are developing a system that alerts ze BMW occupants of perfectly nice drivers who are simply minding their own business trying to get from point A to point B. Zat vay ze BMW driver can take appropriate action, such as flipping these other drivers the bird or throwing a half-full coffee cup out the window so it splatters all over their windshield.”
“Ve are very excited to create an autonomous version of the Ultimate Driving Machine,” Dr. Fahrt, Ing., concluded. “Ve are hoping ziss vill change ze perception of BMW owners as a bunch of elitist jerks who pay too much for cars engineered by people mit accents that are easy to make fun ov. Not that you’ll ever know, because a loser like you will never own a BMW.”
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