There was chaos, calamity and confusion at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas when it was discovered that a useful gadget had inadvertently been put on display.
“We can confirm that a device which might be construed as somewhat useful to the general public was briefly put on display at one of the booths,” said CES spokesgadget Don Adams. “Fortunately, the device was discovered within the first few minutes of the show and was quickly removed before it could cause major panic.”
Adams refused to name the organization that had displayed the device, but said he believed the incident was an oversight and not a deliberate attempt to show something useful at CES.
“The company in question said this was a genuine error,” Adams told Autoblopnik. “Preparing for a show like CES is a major undertaking, and it is understandable that amid all the cutting-edge technology our vendors bring to the show, something useful might accidentally find its way in.”
Though the useful gadget was removed before most showgoers had a chance to see it, Autoblopnik spoke to one eyewitness who caught a glimpse of the device.
“It didn’t have LED lights or a micro-sized subwoofer,” said David Farhtbinder, a medical waste identification expert from Disassociated Hills, Maryland. “In fact, I don’t think it was even WiFi enabled so that you could operate it remotely from a beach in Bora Bora. I only saw it for a second or two before it was whisked off the display, but it appeared to be purely functional. It was the strangest thing I’ve ever seen at CES, and I’ve been coming to the show for nearly a decade.”
There were mid-afternoon rumors that a Chinese firm called Shengyeng Corporation Happy Life had produced duplicates of the device and was offering it for sale with the slogan “To make bright future shining for happen fortunate,” but these stories quickly proved to be untrue.
Autoblopnik visited the booth where the useful device had allegedly been displayed, but by that time the device had been replaced with a USB-equipped Bluetooth-capable smart touch-screen with a 3D ultra-HD LED display, five USB-C ports, a built-in inverter, twin SD card slots, 6 GB of cloud storage and an Intel processor that could be mounted to a drone.
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